All of the following documents are in Microsoft Word, Adobe Acrobat or Microsoft Power Point format as indicated.

RFP Document
RFP Document Questions and Answers

Appendix A - Glossary
Appendix A - Glossary

Appendix B - NOISP
Appendix B - NOISP

Appendix C - Proposal Submittal Instructions
Appendix C - Proposal Submittal Instructions
Appendix C Appendix C -

Appendix D - Supply Procurement Objectives
Appendix D - Supply Procurement Objectives Finished versions of these documents

Appendix E - Product Mix
Appendix E - Product Mix

Appendix F - Bid Process
Appendix F - Bid Process

Appendix G - Proposal Evaluation
Appendix G - Proposal Evaluation
Model Contracts Model Contracts -

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Content Provider: Julie Ell (jell@entergy.com)
©2002 Entergy Corporation, All rights reserved, P.O. Box 61000, New Orleans, LA 70161.