August 13, 2024

Notice of Release of ELL 3 GW Alternative Market-Based Mechanism Process Solar RFP
Documents, Bidders Conference and Question-and-Answer Session

Entergy Services, LLC (“ESL”), on behalf of Entergy Louisiana, LLC (“ELL”) has posted documents for the 3 GW Alternative Market-Based Mechanism Process Request for Proposals for Solar Photovoltaic Resources for Entergy Louisiana, LLC (“ELL 3 GW Solar RFP”), pursuant to Louisiana Public Service Commission Order No. U-36697. The documents are available on the ELL 3 GW Alternative Market-Based Mechanism Process Solar RFP website,

ELL intends to hold a Bidders Conference via teleconference/webcast on September 5, 2024; it is open to all participants and/or stakeholders who might be interested in the ELL 3 GW Solar RFP. A separate teleconference/webcast Question-and-Answer session will follow the Bidders Conference. Bidders or other parties that plan to participate in the Bidders Conference and/or the Question-and-Answer session must notify ELL of its planned participation no later than 5:00 p.m. CPT September 3, 2024. Participation notices should be sent to the Bid Event Coordinator at and should include the name of the participating organization, as well as the name, title, email address, and telephone number of each individual representing the participating organization during the Bidders Conference and/or Question-and-Answer session. Upon receipt of a participation notice, the Bid Event Coordinator will provide the dial-in/Webex meeting details to the registered participant(s). Please see the Main Body of the RFP (included in the posted documents) for additional details.

Please monitor the RFP website for further information. Thank you for your interest in the RFP.