ESI's July 2009 Request for Proposals (RFP)
           of Baselod Supply-Side Resources

Thank you for your interest in
ESI’s July 2009 Baseload RFP.

ESI has concluded its review and evaluation of the proposals submitted in response to the July 2009 Baseload RFP.  As a result of the evaluation of product proposals, ESI has determined that the proposals do not offer economic and operational benefits for the Entergy System.  The Bidders have been notified that their proposals have been rejected.

As noted in the RFP documents, ESI considered a self-supply alternative as part of this RFP.  The self-supply alternative consists of a 336 MW, cost-based purchase of wholesale baseload capacity from Entergy Arkansas, Inc. (“EAI”) (the self-supply alternative was referred to in the RFP documents as the “EAI WBL").  Based on the results of the RFP, the Entergy Operating Committee has elected to proceed with the self-supply alternative.

This concludes ESI’s July 2009 Baseload RFP.

Ask the RFP Administrator a question

Note: All of the following documents are in Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Word or Microsoft Power Point format as indicated.

July 2009 Baseload RFP Main Document

Appendix C - Bidder Proposal Submission Form

Appendix D - Process for Protection of Proposal Information

Questions and Answers
 Recent Questions And Answers (Updated 08/13/2009)

Proposal Submission Agreement

Confidentiality Agreement

RFP IM Scope

Affiliate Rules Compliance
RFP Independent Monitoring Report

January 2009 Western Region RFP Main Document
July 2009 Baseload RFP Schedule

January 2009 Western Region RFP Main Document
Notice of Intent to Conduct the July 2009 Baseload RFP


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