ESI has concluded its review and
evaluation of the proposals submitted in response to the July 2009 Baseload
RFP. As a result of the evaluation of product proposals, ESI has determined
that the proposals do not offer economic and operational benefits for the
Entergy System. The Bidders have been notified that their proposals have
been rejected.
noted in the RFP documents, ESI considered a self-supply alternative as part
of this RFP. The self-supply alternative consists of a 336 MW, cost-based
purchase of wholesale baseload capacity from Entergy Arkansas, Inc. (“EAI”)
(the self-supply alternative was referred to in the RFP documents as the
“EAI WBL"). Based on the results of the RFP, the Entergy Operating
Committee has elected to proceed with the self-supply alternative.
This concludes ESI’s July 2009
Baseload RFP.